

Getting Started

Setting Up working Environment

pacman::p_load(sf, tidyverse, tmap, spdep, funModeling)

Importing data

  • geo_export

  • nga_admbnda_adm2_osgof_20190417

Importing water point geospatial data

wp <- st_read(dsn = "geodata",
              layer = "geo_export",
              crs = 4326) %>%
  filter(clean_coun == "Nigeria")
Reading layer `geo_export' from data source 
  `D:\yuetongz\ISSS624\In-class_Ex\In-class_Ex2\geodata' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for
Simple feature collection with 406566 features and 72 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -92.05073 ymin: -27.31495 xmax: 92.32694 ymax: 26.65622
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
write_rds(wp, "geodata/wp_nga.rds")

Importing Nigeria LGA boundary data

nga <- st_read(dsn = "geodata",
               layer = "nga_admbnda_adm2_osgof_20190417",
               crs = 4326)
Reading layer `nga_admbnda_adm2_osgof_20190417' from data source 
  `D:\yuetongz\ISSS624\In-class_Ex\In-class_Ex2\geodata' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 774 features and 16 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 2.668534 ymin: 4.273007 xmax: 14.67882 ymax: 13.89442
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Data Wranging

Recording NA values into string

wp_nga <- read_rds("geodata/wp_nga.rds") %>%
  mutate(status_cle = replace_na(status_cle, "Unknown"))


     input = 'status_cle')
Warning: The `<scale>` argument of `guides()` cannot be `FALSE`. Use "none" instead as
of ggplot2 3.3.4.
ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the funModeling package.
  Please report the issue at <>.

                        status_cle frequency percentage cumulative_perc
1                       Functional     45883      48.29           48.29
2                   Non-Functional     29385      30.93           79.22
3                          Unknown     10656      11.22           90.44
4      Functional but needs repair      4579       4.82           95.26
5 Non-Functional due to dry season      2403       2.53           97.79
6        Functional but not in use      1686       1.77           99.56
7         Abandoned/Decommissioned       234       0.25           99.81
8                        Abandoned       175       0.18           99.99
9 Non functional due to dry season         7       0.01          100.00

Extracting Water Point Data

Extracting functional water point

wpt_functional <- wp_nga %>%
  filter(status_cle %in%
             "Functional but not in use",
             "Functional but needs repair"))
     input = 'status_cle')

                   status_cle frequency percentage cumulative_perc
1                  Functional     45883      87.99           87.99
2 Functional but needs repair      4579       8.78           96.77
3   Functional but not in use      1686       3.23          100.00

Extracting non-functional water point

wpt_nonfunctional <- wp_nga %>%
  filter(status_cle %in%
             "Non functional due to dry season",
             "Non-Functional due to dry season"))
     input = 'status_cle')

                        status_cle frequency percentage cumulative_perc
1                   Non-Functional     29385      91.25           91.25
2 Non-Functional due to dry season      2403       7.46           98.71
3         Abandoned/Decommissioned       234       0.73           99.44
4                        Abandoned       175       0.54           99.98
5 Non functional due to dry season         7       0.02          100.00

Extracting water point with Unknown class

wpt_unknown <- wp_nga %>%
  filter(status_cle == "Unknown")

Performing Point-in-Polygon Count

nga_wp <- nga %>% 
  mutate(`total wpt` = lengths(
    st_intersects(nga, wp_nga))) %>%
  mutate(`wpt functional` = lengths(
    st_intersects(nga, wpt_functional))) %>%
  mutate(`wpt non-functional` = lengths(
    st_intersects(nga, wpt_nonfunctional))) %>%
  mutate(`wpt unknown` = lengths(
    st_intersects(nga, wpt_unknown)))

Saving the Analytical Data Table

nga_wp <- nga_wp %>%
  mutate(pct_functional = `wpt functional`/`total wpt`) %>%
  mutate(`pct_non-functional` = `wpt non-functional`/`total wpt`) %>%
  select(3:4, 9:10, 18:23)

Save the sf data table into rds format

write_rds(nga_wp, "geodata/nga_wp.rds")

Visualising the spatial distribution of water points

nga_wp <- read_rds("geodata/nga_wp.rds")
total <- qtm(nga_wp, "total wpt")+
wp_functional <- qtm(nga_wp, "wpt functional")+
wp_nonfunctional <- qtm(nga_wp, "wpt non-functional")+
unknown <- qtm(nga_wp, "wpt unknown")+

tmap_arrange(total, wp_functional, wp_nonfunctional, unknown, asp=1, ncol=2)